
Fast, at any time, anywhere, yet always fresh: this new development for out-of-house catering uncovers attractive sales potential. The COOK cooking stations allow you to implement new tailor-made food service concepts or wisely enhance your existing repertoire. Dishes are cooked directly in front of diners with a professional solution that allows you maximum flexibility.

COOK is an intelligent cooking system that meets daily requirements with maximum flexibility..



Variable solutions

Diverse equipment options

Freedom to choose positioning

Integrated extraction technology

Alternate dishes throughout the day

Interchangeable cooking equipment

Matches interior design style

Individual design options

Structured and efficient workflows

Practical accessories and clever, ergonomic design

Effortless cleaning

Easily removable components

Cooks wherever you want

Plug-and-play on castors

Flexiligent thinking

The precise solution for your business idea:
COOK offers customised configurations in terms of size, performance categories and equipment.

Flexiligent space

Anywhere goes:
COOK unites cooking technology and an extractor hood in one system.

Flexiligent timing

Varying dishes from dawn to dusk and always up to date:
with COOK, you can change the equipment quickly and easily as required.

Flexiligent design

For a harmonious atmosphere:
COOK offers you customised colour and material options to match your surroundings.

Flexiligent organisation

Makes work easier:
with clever ergonomics, a sensible surface layout and practical accessories, COOK brings efficiency and structure to workflows.

Flexiligent cleaning

Effortless cleaning:
COOK has impressively hygienic surfaces and easily accessible, dishwasher-safe parts that can be removed without tools.

Flexiligent mobility

Here today, there tomorrow:
just as well COOK can follow you anywhere.

Welcome to the product family

The COOK product family is growing: in addition to its high-performance classic range, B.PRO offers the I-flex model series – a slimmed down cooking station for the snacking market. Experience COOK in detail.

The same, yet different

With classic and I-flex, COOK caters for all sizes and performance categories. Although they have a few differences, the two model series also have many things in common. These similarities showcase COOK’s unique quality.

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